We fuel ideas to make an impact

Web & Mobile application design and development

Tell Your Story! Whether your idea is in an early stage or an already proven solution Wapp develops innovative web & mobile apps with great precision & quality Lets collaborate for an unforgettable experience

Our Services

Web Design & Development

Web Design & Development

Mobile Apps Development

Mobile Apps Development

Custom Software Solution

Custom Software Solution

Web Technologies

For our decades-long existence, we've made it our mission to understand the constantly-evolving technology landscape. This means not only geeking out over shiny new technology, but also making practical decisions on how and when to best leverage them.

We Design for Mobile Platforms, too.

Wapp creates mobile app so users can enjoy their lives on the go. With the amalgamation of innovation and science and backed with user research, our experts help to validate business ideas and create a potent mobile strategy to make the world better by digital empowerment.

Work on big ideas, without the busywork

Case studies - WAPP Technologies

We Make Your Website Work Everywhere.

Wapp offers business solutions and understands that customer’s usage of tools differs, based on the industry. From beautiful design to a fully responsive website, we help you perform in the digital landscape so you can reach and convert your audience.

Our Process & Workflow

Wapp uses the agile framework SCRUM to deliver high-performing solutions that bring real business value to our clients. WAPP has adapted specific frameworks, tools, and practices to maximize team productivity and streamline the process of application development. Our sprint-based approach to software development allows us to course-correct as per new needs or learnings. The final product must meet the customer's requirement and anticipate future possibilities.



Requirement, Research and Analysis.



Design & define UI/UX aspects.



Mockups & Interactive template.



Architecture, Apis and functionality.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance

Automated and Manual Testing.

Acceptance Test

Acceptance Test

Business Review & Feedback.

Client Review

Client Review

Demo on staging and final feedback.

Go Live

Go Live

Production Launch.

Start your Project Conversation

Your words are worth much, and cost little